Michigan Court Of Appeals Affirms Summary Disposition Obtained By Michael F. Schmidt In Declaratory Action That Homeowner Policy Did Not Provide Coverage For Three Wrongful Death Suits Against The Insured’s Son
Depositors Insurance Company v Dahlia Luera Harris, Personal Representative of the Estate of Anthony Harris, et al, Michigan Court of Appeals docket number 318269 (2015), the Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed summary disposition granted by the Ingham County Circuit Court that Depositors Insurance Company did not have a duty to provide coverage or a defense to its insured’s son in regard to three wrongful death claims resulting from an auto accident when minors attended a party at the insured’s son’s apartment at which alcoholic beverages were provided to minors, and after the party a minor who attended the party, who was intoxicated, was involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in the deaths of three other minors. The Court of Appeals affirmed on the basis that there was no “occurrence” due to the provision of alcoholic beverages to minors.